European Express

90% of European cities
within 24 hours

we cover

Tracking your job

Online tracking: 
Our vehicles are linked to GPS systems allowing our clients to view on their own secure web site the progress of each job, from pickup to signature of acceptance, at any time of the day or night throughout Europe.  Our unique software allows you to view on your computer screen the exact position of your delivery and even to see the speed at which the journey is progressing.

Online booking: 
Book a job or reserve a vehicle quickly and efficiently with the click of a mouse.

Real time signature capture: 
Our drivers use the latest hand held computer technology to capture an acceptance signature.  This automatically updates our clients by fax, e-mail or via a secure dedicated web site confirming who accepted the goods and when.

Job progress information, booking and proof of delivery signatures are stored on dedicated customer web pages.  Each customer has his own password and each job has a unique number to ensure access to only authorised personnel.

One phone call can solve all your transport needs 020 7538 5233

Track your Consignment

Transport - it's a simple business: you tell us where and when - we deliver."

Tom Everett MD Premier Carriers